
Always looking for only the best!   Its value grows stronger the more you use it !

Major Processes

  • 01

    Core components

    The application of the slot
    screen type wedge wire screen
    and metal lath ensures
    a semi-permanent lifespan and
    strong dehydration.

  • 02

    Driving components

    The use of highly durable
    components contributes to more optimized performance
    even in poor operating environmental conditions.

  • 03

    Safety systems

    Safety systems are fitted
    to prevent the risk of
    secondary contamination
    that may caused
    by of excessive inflow.

  • 04

    Automatic cleaning

    The product is fitted
    with an automatic
    cleaning system
    to minimize blockage.

  • 05

    Optimal designs

    We have minimized the
    occurrence of after-sales service
    by designing an optimal plant
    based on 28 years of
    our own expertise.